HomeBusinessA fine of 500 rupees for littering in the metro Achi-News

A fine of 500 rupees for littering in the metro Achi-News

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Metro launches a special campaign against garbage

Kolkata: Metro is going to impose a fine for spreading filth in the train station areas. The metro authorities have now decided to launch a special operation against waste on the green line and the blue line to catch the culprits polluting the metro areas. Special anti-littering squads have already been formed to go from station to station to identify offenders and impose a fine of 500 rupees. In recent times it has been observed that some passengers are regularly dirtying the metro. The campus was especially noted in the newly inaugurated section of the green line from Hora Midan to the promenade. Metro continuously strives to provide fast, convenient and cheap means of transportation to passengers and reduce the pollution level of Kolkata and its surrounding areas, but these passengers are continuously littering and dirtying the metro areas by throwing plastic bottles, pan spitting and gutka. . was

To prevent this menace, the metro rail authorities carry out constant sensitization of the passengers through notices, displaying posters and also urging them to stay away from such disturbing activities. Special ad videos are also shown on all platform TVs in the various metro stations. Garbage bins along with bottle crushing machines have also been provided at various metro stations.


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