HomeBusinessThe UK to have the lowest growth in the G7 in 2024 ...

The UK to have the lowest growth in the G7 in 2024 Achi-News

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Achi news desk-

By Russell Bruce

Starmer talks a lot about growth but the UK is forecast to have the lowest growth of the G7 along with India and China in 2024, behind the real European countries of Italy, Germany and France, and each has one of them their own growth problems. A big talk from Starmer without specifying how it is going to change, this represents the hollowness of Starmer’s project. If Labor thinks it can change the outlook for 2025 we need to know more than its repeated assertions to Victoria Derbyshire on Sunday that it is ‘confident’. He was confident, confident, confident con….!!

The headline graph is from Statista based on the IMF World Economic Outlook, October 2023 which had a faulty link for sharing on social media.

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