HomeBusinessTesla Tesla Robotaxi Launch Date 2024 Update | Elon Musk Tesla...

Tesla Tesla Robotaxi Launch Date 2024 Update | Elon Musk Tesla will unveil Robotaxis on August 8: it will be the first self-driving car without a steering wheel Achi-News

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Electric vehicle (EV) maker Tesla will unveil the ‘Tesla Robotaxi’ self-driving car on August 8. Company owner Elon Musk gave this information on social media platform X. However, he did not give any information about Robotaxis.

Musk has been working for a long time to produce Tesla’s self-driving electric car. In April 2019, the company said Robotaxis operations could begin by 2020.

The company has estimated that the automatic car will last for 11 years, and will cover a distance of one million miles (over 1.6 million km). Because of this, the company and the vehicle operators will receive a benefit of $30,000 (more than Rs 24 lakh) every year.

Symbolic image of Tesla Robotaxis

Symbolic image of Tesla Robotaxis

Robotaxi will be a self-driving car that travels without a steering wheel.
According to media reports, Tesla’s robotaxis car will not have clutch, brake and accelerator pedals. At the same time, it will be a self-driving car that drives without a steering wheel. Musk has previously said that Tesla cars equipped with full self-driving capability will gradually become better at driving through software updates.

He said that after some time the cars will be able to work as fully autonomous taxis. Such cars can make money by driving themselves as taxis for their owners.

Tesla started making cars for India
Recently Hindustan Times reported in one of its reports that Tesla has started manufacturing right-hand drive cars for India at Gigafactory Berlin. The company may bring the car to Israel by the end of this year.

Earlier on April 3, the British Financial Times reported that Tesla would send a team to India this month to look for a location for a $2 billion to $3 billion ($16,000 to $25,000) electric car manufacturing plant in the country. Click to read the full news…


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