HomeBusinessFive years warranty on our guarantees: CM Siddaramaiah promises Achi-News

Five years warranty on our guarantees: CM Siddaramaiah promises Achi-News

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Five years warranty on our guarantees: CM Siddaramaiah promises

Front door (Kolar): Prime Minister Siddaramaiah said, ‘Let’s remove the central BJP government, remove Prime Minister Narendra Modi and make Rahul Gandhi the Prime Minister of the country.’

He was speaking at a roadshow after performing a special puja at the Kurudumale Vinayakan temple on Saturday and kicking off the Lok Sabha election campaign.

Initially, the BJP created a lie that the guarantee could not be enforced and the country would go bankrupt. They say that after the implementation, new lies will be created and the guarantee schemes will stop after the Lok Sabha elections. Our guarantees do not stop for any reason. There is a five-year warranty on congressional guarantees,” he said.

Don’t fall for the lies created by the BJP out of fear of defeat. BJP is a factory of lies. We honored their vote by keeping our word. Won the Congress party in the Lok Sabha elections as well. So the government will act in a way that gives value to their vote,’ he promised.

The Modi government has increased the prices of petrol, diesel, cooking gas, fertilizer, cooking oil, pulses and vegetables excessively. Because of this, the families of the country got into trouble. In response to this distress, we announced five guarantees with the aim of reducing the distress. “We came to power and implemented five for five,” he said.

He expressed confidence that “this time the Congress candidate Gautam will win the Kolar Lok Sabha constituency”.

“Our candidate is Gautam Sajjana. Raised from the base level as an ordinary worker, he is now a candidate. He wins by a majority. All their cooperation and blessings to Gautham and the Congress party,” he said.

Deputy Minister Dr. Shivkomar, Minister Dr. M.C. Sudhakar, Bairati Suresh, former minister Ramesh Kumar, political secretaries to Prime Minister K. Govinaraju, Nasir Ahmed, MLAs Kottur Manjunath, KY Nanjegowda, SN Narayanaswamy, Candidate KV Gautham, District Congress President c. Lakshminarayan, leaders Rajeev Gowda, Adinarayan were there.


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