HomeBusinessThe family was sleeping, 3 lakh rupees were stolen. Family members...

The family was sleeping, 3 lakh rupees were stolen. Family members were sleeping, stole Rs 3 lakh – Bokaro News Achi-News

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Achi news desk-

Bokaro4 hours ago

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Police taking information about the incident from the owner of the home.

Thieves’ bravery has increased significantly in Bokaro. Although theft used to take place in closed houses until now, thieves are now stealing despite the fact that people are present. On the night of April 5, thieves stole from the house of Dilip Chauhan, a resident of Sector-9C, house number 1152, Harla police station area, even though he was living with his entire family.

He said he was sleeping in his room, while his wife


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