HomeBusinessMethane gas leaked at the Bokaro Steel Works...Workers ran away for their...

Methane gas leaked at the Bokaro Steel Works…Workers ran away for their lives: Some were admitted to hospital after eye irritation; Administer on alert mode Achi-News

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There was chaos due to a gas leak at the Bokaro Steel Works. According to the initial information, there was a leak of methane gas in the plant. The accident happened in a hot stripping mill, where the workers who worked there ran away for their lives. This gas leak incident happened around 10:30 in the morning. As soon as the leak occurred, the eyes of the workers who worked there began to burn. After this there was chaos on the spot. However, by now the situation has come under control. 6-7 workers have been admitted to hospital. Here, a press release has been issued by the DC’s office saying that the district administration is very vigilant after receiving information about gas leaks in the BSL factory. 2-3 people have been admitted to hospital. The gas leak incident took place towards the HR department area of ​​the work. The hot strip mill is here. All the workers hurriedly started running away from the main gate in a distressed state. Most of them are contract workers. See some pictures after the accident… Workers ran away for their lives In relation to the incident, worker Mukesh Singh said that there was a gas leak in the hot strip mill. This caused eye irritation. After that the workers ran away. The worker Prahlad Yadav said that he started having a burning sensation in his eyes. We became restless because of the strong smell so we left our work and came out. The stench had reached the residential colony. According to the information received, the smell of the Bokaro gas leak was reaching the residential colony. The people of the residential complex also said that the smell of gas was also coming here but gradually the smell subsided. Meanwhile, 6-7 workers have been admitted to hospital after complaining of eye irritation. Management said – No gas was lost Plant officer Manikant Dhan said that the Bokaro Steel Plant’s mixed gas pipeline, through which gas is supplied to the reheat furnace of the hot strip mill, is already being maintained this morning as per the an organized programme. The work was going on. The pipeline was closed and there was no gas in it. A compensator also had to be changed as part of maintenance work. For which cutting and welding work was being done. Due to the spark from welding, the naptha and sulfur stored inside the pipeline, which is flammable, caught fire. Because of this, a lot of smoke was released which spread through the pipeline to the hot strip mill. Because of this there was chaos for some time. No type of gas has leaked from the pipeline. There is no need to panic. The fire has been extinguished. Our senior officers are on site. No workers were injured. The test was also done using a gas analyzer machine. In which no gas leak was found.


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