HomeBusinessHow Can I Tackle Fluid Retention at Home? Achi-News

How Can I Tackle Fluid Retention at Home? Achi-News

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It’s not always clear what causes water retention and contributing factors can include our diet, menstrual cycles and even genetics.

However, this is often due to what we eat and drink, and how we move. The symptoms can be alleviated by making some easy-to-implement lifestyle changes that make a huge difference not only to our fluid retention symptoms but also to our overall health.

GP and LoSalt adviser Dr Sarah Jarvis said: “Every GP has a lot of consultations with people who feel bloated or full of fluid. Sometimes, fluid retention can be a sign of a serious medical condition, but more often the fluid is relatively mild – although it can still be a real cause of discomfort.

“Fortunately, with some easy changes to things like diet and exercise, many people can help alleviate their symptoms.”

Causes of fluid retention and how to get rid of it

Dr. Jarvis shared with us the best tips for getting rid of fluid retention.

Be aware of how much salt you add to your food

We need salt in our diet but we often add more than we need. Too much salt in the system leads your body to retain more water in the blood vessels. Some studies have pointed to salt as a contributing factor to water retention and bloating.

Adults should have no more than a teaspoon a day (about 6 grams) from all sources – which includes salt you add at the table and salt already in the food you eat. On average, however, adults in England eat 8.4 grams a day – that’s 40 per cent higher than the national guideline.

For many of us adding salt to food is unusual. Instead of adding salt to cooking, try flavoring food with spices, garlic (or garlic powder) and lemon juice, and help reduce your daily intake. If you want the taste of salt, switch to a lower sodium alternative like LoSalt.

Make sure you drink enough water

Dr Jarvis advises that although this may sound counterintuitive, drinking water can actually reduce water weight. This is because dehydration can cause the body to retain extra water to compensate for the incoming water deficit.

Water also improves kidney function, allowing excess water and sodium to be flushed out of the system.

Try to move more often

Not moving enough and sitting for too long can lead to fluid retention. Try to exercise more often as sweating makes you lose water. Do some light exercise or go for a 30 minute walk. This will move a lot of water into your muscles, making movement less uncomfortable.

Make the most of tea and coffee

Caffeine and caffeinated drinks such as tea and coffee can help reduce fluid retention. This is because caffeine can have a diuretic effect and increase short-term urine output. This could increase the amount of water leaving your body, therefore reducing water weight.

Cut back on processed foods

Dr Jarvis warns that much of the salt we eat is found in highly processed foods including ready meals, soups and snacks. He noted that these foods are also high in refined carbohydrates and unhealthy fats.

Instead, he advises cooking from scratch as much as possible and not processing meats such as bacon, ham, and sausage too often as these are often very high in sodium.

Symptoms of water retention

According to Healthline, symptoms of water retention can include:

  • swelling, especially in the abdominal area
  • swollen legs, feet, and ankles
  • swelling of the abdomen, face, and thighs
  • stiff joints
  • pressure fluctuations

However, if you also experience any of these symptoms, you need to call 111 or go to your local A&E as it could be DVT:

  • pain
  • swelling
  • tenderness
  • skin that feels warm to the touch

Talk to your GP if symptoms do not improve.


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