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Host of Asia’s longest cooking show | Host of Asia’s longest cooking show: Cooking became a passion due to praise for Nankhatai, who taught cooking to famous guest chefs. Achi-News

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7 minutes agoAuthor: Kamala Badoni

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She believes that if dreams are big and there is passion to achieve them, then anything can be achieved. Rather than getting a higher degree, he was interested in pursuing his business, so his career took a new direction after 10th. He made his passion a career and today that same passion has given him a new identity.

It is part of Asia’s longest cooking show. Along with ordinary people, she also teaches cooking to five-star hotel chefs. ‘Here I am’ Know the story of Chef Saloni Adhiya.

Learned to cook from grandmother and mother

My mother is from Dwarka. I was born in my grandmother’s house in Dwarka. But he grew up in Kalyan, Mumbai. Papa had a dry fruit business. I have loved cooking since childhood. My grandmother and mother used to cook very good food. Seeing it, I started cooking at the age of 12.

When my grandmother first taught me to make roti, I could not make a round roti. Then grandfather would bring me a lid and by breaking it, he would teach me how to shape the roti into a round shape. I used to be very happy seeing the round rotis made by me. Gradually, from my grandmother and mother, I learned to cook normal home food and many delicious meals.

Saloni Adhiya teaches recipes to common people as well as five star hotel chefs.

Saloni Adhiya teaches recipes to common people as well as five star hotel chefs.

My cooking skills were praised at school

At school, my home science subject was between 8th and 10th, and we were taught cooking skills. I was always on top of this topic. During the practical in this subject, the teacher first taught us to make ‘Matar Ka Ragda’ which is used in Pani Puri. Which can be eaten with pav. The first thing I made was this recipe as soon as I got home. Everyone at home praised my cooking skills.

The home science teacher would teach us how to make different types of chaat and nankhatai. One day when I took Nankhatai to school, the teacher praised me a lot. Because of this, my interest in cooking increased and it became my passion.

I wanted to do my own business

I was not interested in doing a job. I wanted to do my own business, so after 10th, I did a two-year diploma in Home Science. After that she also followed courses in cooking, food styling, home management, fashion design and beautician. I have been creative since childhood. For a long time I did a home decoration and wedding decoration business. At that time 10 girls used to work with me. This business also did me very well, but I put more time into cooking. Even today, I get orders for making Diya, Toran, Shubh Labh during holidays. If I have time, I try to employ women in this work.

He started cooking classes at Chowl

I wanted to make a career in cooking. Initially, I used to write the details of my cooking classes by hand on paper. She used to distribute them herself as pamphlets. Then we lived in soup. I used to hesitate before inviting people to my house, but after seeing my work, people came to learn to cook from me even in the soup. Then my mother used to help me in cooking classes. After that there was no need to look back. My passion for cooking gave me a lot of fame and success.

This is how I got my first TV show

My recipes started to be published in many magazines. Earlier I used to participate in cooking competitions, but gradually I started being called as a judge. My ‘Shreeji Cooking Classes’ started getting famous in Mumbai. My first cookbook ‘Fancy Breakfast’ also became quite popular.

Chef Vishnu Manohar and I were called as judges in a cooking show. Vishnu Manohar was the host of Marathi TV show ‘Mejwani Paripur’. He invited me as a participant in his show. I was the winner from Mumbai in that show.

After that he offered me to do food styling work for the channel. In between, I also started getting opportunities to host shows. My TV shows started from here. I am currently the chef of a kitchen show in Gujarati. It is Asia’s longest running cooking TV show. This show, which has been running for 18 years, has had 6500 episodes so far. In each episode, 4 recipes are made.

Soon I am going to do a big cooking show on an OTT platform. I have high expectations for this show. I am sure this show will give me a new identity.

I train chefs in five star hotels

Apart from food styling, I also work on training chefs in five star hotels. Hotels buy my unique recipes from me, include them in their menus and I get paid handsomely for it. I go to hotels and teach my recipes to the chefs there.

Husband is my support system

I have to travel a lot for my work, but my husband supports me completely. They support me every step of the way, so I can work without any worries. Her husband Keyur Pandya is currently supervising the production of my own Gujarati cooking show.

We have had a love marriage. We met at a social event. I was not ready for marriage at first, but Keyur waited for me for 5 years. I gave in to his love and we got married. My in-laws, father-in-law and brother-in-law live in Ahmedabad, they also support me a lot.

There are still many secret recipes left

The food industry is so huge that there is less work you can learn here. Even today I try to learn something new every day. I keep an eye on what’s happening in the culinary industry around the world.

Lakhs of recipes from India are yet to be revealed to the world. My endeavor is to bring new recipes to people all over the country. There are many secret recipes left in my treasury yet to be revealed to the world.

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