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What to eat in Ramadan and what to avoid? Achi-News

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Islamabad (News Desk) What kind of food do you need to eat to save yourself from hunger and thirst during a month of fasting?

Millions of Muslims around the world fast during the month of Ramadan, one of the holiest months in the Islamic calendar.

This is the holy month when the holy book of Islam was revealed to the Prophet of Islam.

Fasting is observed throughout the month of Ramadan. Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam, which means that fasting is one of the obligatory duties that every Muslim should strive to fulfill.

The meal that Muslims who fast in Ramadan eat before dawn is called ‘Suhoor’ or Suhri.

After sunset, the fasting person breaks the fast by eating the evening meal, called iftar or iftar, and does not eat or drink anything, not even water, for the rest of the day.

Fasting is only obligatory on those who are in good health and do not suffer from any disease. Apart from this, children who have not reached puberty, pregnant, lactating or menstruating women and travelers are also exempted from fasting.

Fasting can be easy for some people, but for others it can be a challenge and hunger and thirst can interfere with work and other daily activities.

So what kind of food do you need to eat to keep yourself from hunger and thirst during a month of fasting?

What should be eaten at Suhoor?

The Suhore meal is very important as it prepares you for the whole day of fasting so it is important to have proper food and nutrition.

Nutritionist Ismat Taimer says, ‘During Ramadan, eat foods rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals to meet your body’s energy and nutritional needs throughout the day and make sure you drink enough water.’

They recommend a light, healthy and full breakfast.

In Suhoor, you can eat dairy products like curd, pudding, porridge, eggs, etc., as well as eat fresh vegetables like cucumber, tomato and fruits.

Nutritionist Bridget Bellum adds that it is best to eat wheat-based foods such as bread and porridge at Suhori because it slowly releases energy that will keep you going throughout the day.

She says things like barley, wheat bread and cereals are great choices for breakfast.

Some studies show that fiber from beans, peas and chickpeas can increase feelings of fullness by more than 30 percent.

Bellum says you should also drink drinks to hydrate your body before the fast. Apart from this, she also advises to avoid salty foods.

She says eating salty foods will make you thirsty and you won’t want to spend a long day thirsty.

It is also important to avoid the amount of caffeine in Suhoor to avoid thirst and you are advised to drink around two to three liters of water between Iftar and Suhoor to stay hydrated while fasting.

How should Iftar be done?

Iftar is usually recommended to consume large amounts of drinks and foods with natural sugars such as dates, which have been the best choice for breaking the fast since the time of the Prophet of Islam.

Dates and water are a great way to break the fast, says nutritionist Bridget Bellum. It provides energy and rehydration.

Soups are also good to break the fast, he says, because they contain beans, legumes and vegetables. All these things give you nutrition and fiber.

After a long day of hunger and thirst, you should not start your meal with fried foods like pakoras, samosas and jalebis, as this will make you feel tired, lethargic and nauseous.

In different countries of the world, iftar meals are different according to different cultures and traditions.

You need to make sure that whatever you eat at Iftar contains a balance of starchy foods, including wheat, fiber-rich vegetables and fruits, milk, and protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, and eggs, and beans etc.

It is also recommended that you avoid too many sugary foods which can cause weight gain.

Some nutritionists also recommend dividing it into two portions rather than eating a large meal (or all at once) at Iftar, as this will help control large amounts of blood glucose and indigestion. risk is also reduced.

Is fasting good for your health?

In general, fasting has many benefits and intermittent fasting is becoming a popular way to lose weight.

Rather than focusing on what to eat, intermittent fasting focuses on when to eat. It means fasting for certain hours each day.

The idea behind this is that once your body uses up its stored sugar, it starts burning fat and weight loss occurs, a process known as metabolic switching.

Research shows that the health benefits of intermittent fasting include lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, reducing inflammation, reducing your insulin dependency, and reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

All these characteristics are also present in the fasts of Ramadan.

A recent study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has identified fasting during Ramadan as a way to reduce metabolic changes and the risk of chronic diseases.

Research results have revealed that fasting during Ramadan significantly reduces the risk of lung, colorectal and breast cancer.

Dietitian Bridget Bellum says people usually lose about a kilogram during Ramadan, but caution is important: If you eat too much at Iftar, you may gain weight.

She says that as humans we tend to overeat. The more variety we are offered, the more we tend to eat, and who wouldn’t be tempted by a full table at Iftar?

But you don’t have to eat everything that’s put in front of you. So eat carefully and slowly.


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