HomeBusinessA young man was beaten and injured in a land dispute, referred...

A young man was beaten and injured in a land dispute, referred to Pavapuri Achi-News

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Achi news desk-Shahpura City Correspondent: On Thursday, there was a fierce fight between people from two sides over a land dispute in Katalpura village in the Saar police station area under Nalanda district. A young man was seriously injured in this fighting incident. With the help of family members, he was immediately admitted to the Barbiga referral hospital. There the doctors provided first aid and referred the seriously injured young man to Sadr Hospital. After seeing the serious condition of the young man, the doctors of the Sadar Hospital referred him to the Pavapuri High Center. The injured youth has been identified as Shriram Kumar, 25-year-old son of Ashish Singh, a resident of Katalpura. Regarding the incident, Chamham Kumari, the wife of the injured Shriram Kumar, said that her father-in-law had purchased the land from the brother of Pappu Singh of the Gutia family. where they grew a wheat crop. On Wednesday, when my husband went to the field to harvest wheat, Papu Singh’s sons beat him and refused to come to the field. On Wednesday evening, when her husband was leaving the house in a car, Pappu Singh’s son entered the house and molested her and stole the mangalsutra and gold earrings. On Thursday, when her husband went on foot to fetch coal from his bicycle, near his head’s house, four sons of Pappu Singh, Banti Kumar, Pantu Kumar, Gopal Kumar, daughter Khushi Kumari and his wife surrounded her husband and attacked him with sticks and bicycles. He was seriously injured after being attacked with a chain.


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