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Divorce after 10 years right or wrong Divorce after 10 years right or wrong: A woman’s patience is broken, she wants to separate from her husband, why does tolerance in relationships end? Achi-News

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Maintaining relationships is nothing less than a challenge now. Everyone wants to live on their own terms. When it comes to adapting in a relationship, it is expected from the partner. No attempt is made to make adjustments on your end.

‘chat rooms’ Today I will discuss a couple where the wife complains that she can no longer tolerate her husband’s behavior. After 10 years of marriage, the thought of divorce comes to his mind. The relationship counselor Dr. Madhavi Seth tells the answer to this problem.

We have an arranged marriage and have been married for 10 years. Our minds never met since marriage and our relationship could never remain normal because of that. I tried my best to maintain the relationship and save the marriage. But now it is becoming hard to bear.

Now my husband can’t tolerate me and I don’t have the strength left to tolerate him. The rift in our relationship is growing. The thought of divorce comes to my mind again and again. Should I continue or leave this relationship? Is it okay to get divorced after 10 years of marriage?

This is a big problem today. Tolerance now ends in relationships. Moving on has become so easy that people don’t even have the patience to give their relationship a chance before breaking it up. But this haste is not right. Moving forward without thinking often leads to regret later.

Why is tolerance decreasing?

Tolerance is necessary in every relationship, whether the relationship is between husband and wife, two friends or brother-sister. No two people can be alike. The customs, way of thinking and living of the two may be different. In such a situation, instead of finding faults in each other, finding good qualities in each other is the right path. Instead of changing someone, one should accept him as he is. This reduces expectations in the relationship and makes it easier to live together.

The biggest reason for separation between husband and wife is excessive expectations from each other. When the two start competing to prove themselves right and their partner wrong, the relationship begins to sour.

We make adjustments easily in other relationships, but when it comes to our spouse, we want him to completely change himself for us. Both husband and wife can have these expectations.

When expectations increase so much that it is not possible to fulfill them, it becomes difficult for the couple to live together.

don’t hurt self-esteem

Whether husband or wife, there is no harm in tolerating to some extent to save your relationship. But when it comes to self-respect, you have every right to express your opinion and make decisions in your favor. Some quarrels happen between every husband and wife, but when the partner starts to hurt his self-esteem, the patience starts to tire.

Self-reliance increases women’s confidence

Now women have started to become self-reliant to a greater extent than before. This has increased his confidence. Earlier, women were completely dependent on their husbands, so they used to tolerate everything quietly. But women today know that even if divorce happens, they will take care of themselves. Parents have also started supporting their daughter after divorce. Getting divorced is no longer the taboo it used to be. This is the reason why divorce cases are increasing faster than before.

Divorce is not easy

Now divorce cases have started increasing faster than before. But getting a divorce after spending a long time together after marriage is not so easy. When you start a new relationship, you don’t need to find satisfaction there as well. In such a situation, the person repeatedly starts comparing his current relationship with the two previous relationships. In doing this, he repeatedly confuses whether his decision is right or wrong.

learn to maintain relationships

Maintaining relationships is an art that is important for everyone to learn. When you are born you are not given the right to choose any relationship. Whatever your parents and siblings are, you have to adapt and live with them. Then the thought of breaking the relationship does not cross your mind. But you choose your life partner according to your choice. In this relationship, you get the freedom to break the relationship, so you make the decision easily.

Think before breaking off the relationship

Be it husband or wife, before breaking the relationship, they should think once if they had tried, would they have been able to save their relationship? How much is their own fault when the relationship breaks down? Pay attention to your behavior before blaming your partner. Many times a hasty decision leads to nothing but regret later.

The two of you have spent 10 years together. Before making the decision to divorce, talk to your partner about this. Both of you should be open about what complaints you have with him and what expectations your husband has of you. Then consider whether a solution can be found? If needed, ask for help from an adviser. The problem is easily solved many times with the help of an expert.

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