HomeBusinessThe non-creation of a nation Achi-News

The non-creation of a nation Achi-News

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This book is an attempt to document these changes, in real time and not in retrospect. This is a continuation of my previous book, The wasted yearswhich was published in 2021, and updates events, so to speak, until June 2023. The 47 sections in this book were originally written as blogs, and each section is dated so that the reader is aware of the context/time in which it is

I am not a journalist or an expert on the subject, just a concerned citizen with thirty-five years of public service and management experience behind me. I seek to speak and communicate with similar laymen, because the future of a nation is something every citizen should be concerned about, and is too important to be left only to politicians, bureaucrats, so-called experts and the media.

But too many people these days, in the false security of their cocoon, choose to ignore what is happening around them or simply remain silent. This book tries to convince the reader that this indifference is no longer an option. Each of us should raise a voice and exercise the right to speak, because when public opinion and conscience die, so does democracy.


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