HomeBusinessPanchayat volunteer arrested for taking bribe in Chatra. Panchayat volunteer arrested...

Panchayat volunteer arrested for taking bribe in Chatra. Panchayat volunteer arrested for taking bribe in Chatra: The contractor had built the road, asked for Rs 5,000 for payment of outstanding money – Chatra News Achi-News

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Panchayat volunteer arrested for taking bribe in Chatra

In Chatra, the Anti-Corruption Bureau has arrested Panchayat Secretary Ajay Sao red-handed while taking bribe. The team arrested him from the city’s Post Office Chowk. Along with the arrest, the team dipped the hands of the accused in a glass filled with water and after the water turned pink, arrested him and took him to Hazaribagh.
PCC had asked for money in return for building roads
According to the information, the contractor Dharmendra Sahu had complained to the ACB that the Panchayat Secretary was demanding bribe in the name of releasing funds for road construction. The complainant was not prepared to pay the bribe so he informed the Anti-Corruption Office. Validated on the basis of a written request given to the team. In it the allegation of demanding a bribe from the accused Ajay Sao was found to be true. After this the team took action and arrested him.
Five thousand rupees was requested on each payment
In the application given by the contractor Dharmendra Sahu, he was told that he was given the amount for the construction of PCC road from the main road of Asadhiya village to Devi Mandap for Rs 2 lakh 10 thousand. The work was completed on 18 March 2024. In March, he had received Rs 100,000 for the construction of PCC and met Panchayat Secretary Ajay Sao to pay the remaining Rs 110,000. During this, the Panchayat Secretary told him to give Rs 5,000 from the Rs 1 lakh received earlier for this scheme and then he will make further payment. In return for that payment you will also have to pay five thousand rupees.


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