HomeBusinessSodium a Day explained; body if we eat too much salt Health...

Sodium a Day explained; body if we eat too much salt Health Nama – Kidneys is damaged by drinking salt water: People eat twice the salt than what is required, due to which 18.9 lakh deaths occur every year in the world Achi-News

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4 hours agoAuthor: Gaurav Tiwari

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According to a report by the Central Ground Water Authority, the amount of salt in Delhi’s ground water is higher than usual. In the samples analysed, water from more than 25% of the samples was found to be salty. In this matter, Delhi is second after Rajasthan, 30% of the samples there have brackish water.

Obviously, people generally use this water for drinking and cooking. This means that people living in these areas of Delhi and Rajasthan consume more salt than they need.

This situation is not only in Delhi and Rajasthan. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), almost everyone in the world eats twice the amount of salt needed every day. About 19 lakh people die every year due to diseases caused by excess salt.

so today ‘health record’ I will talk about what happens if you eat too much salt. You will also learn that-

  • According to WHO, how much salt should be eaten every day?
  • What happens to the body if we eat too much salt?
  • How can we reduce the amount of salt in food?

People eat twice the salt than what is needed

According to the World Health Organization, a healthy person should eat less than 5 grams of salt (less than 2000 mg sodium) a day. While almost everyone around the world eats more than 10 grams of salt every day.

According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), an adult in India consumes 8 grams of salt on average, which is 3 grams more than the standard set by WHO. This damages our health.

Millions of deaths occur every year due to eating too much salt.

A pinch of salt changes the taste of our food. A little too much salt can spoil the taste of food. The World Health Organization says that this salt also spoils the taste of health.

Eating too much salt can cause high blood pressure. This can also lead to the risk of heart disease, gastric cancer and kidney disease. All these diseases invite death.

Too much salt is an enemy to the heart and kidney.

  • Eating too much salt increases the amount of sodium in our blood. The body needs more water to dilute it. Drinking more water increases blood volume. This increases the pressure on blood vessels and the heart.
  • Our body knows that extra salt is harmful to the body. Therefore, the kidney immediately starts filtering to balance it. He has to work very hard at this job. Doubling the amount of salt means that its work is also doubled. When the kidneys get tired from working, they release salt into the blood.
  • This increases blood volume. Blood pressure increases. In this condition the heart has to work harder to pump. As a result, the risk of heart disease and stroke increases.
  • This can cause kidney stones and also increases the risk of kidney disease.

According to Naturopathy ie natural medicine, all our food should come from plants. Although the salt we use in food does not come from plants. In order to be healthy, you must stop eating salt or eat less of it.

It is important to reduce salt in food

We constantly talk about how much salt we have in our food. In such a situation, this question must be coming in your mind that there doesn’t seem to be much salt while eating. This is because our taste buds have evolved with a high salt diet since childhood. That’s why it seems normal to us. While it is more than what the body needs and it causes us harm continuously.

If the use of salt is gradually reduced in the daily diet, then there will not be much difference in taste and it will become a habit according to its taste. Wafers, ketchup and sauces contain more salt than food. Apart from this, fast food also contains too much salt than needed. Therefore, it is important to avoid them first of all.

Understand in the graphic which 5 things need to be kept in mind for this.

Vegetables and pulses already contain salt

  • We don’t even need to add salt to vegetables or pulses. Salt is natural in these. In fact, nature prepares everything in such a way that we don’t need to add anything to it. Despite this, if you have to add something to your taste then herbs such as coriander, oregano can be added.
  • All the salt we need to stay healthy comes from fruit and vegetables. Understand this way, if someone eats half a kilo of fruit and vegetables in a day, then this satisfies the need for salt in our body.
  • For this, eating a salad can be a good option. Cucumber, tomato, carrot and seasonal fruits can be kept in it. Plenty of salt is present in all these things.
  • Include green leafy vegetables, spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, onion, tomato etc in your diet. These also contain salt. Similarly, pulses also naturally contain salt.

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(Except translation, this story has not been edited by achinews staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
source link https://www.bhaskar.com/lifestyle/news/how-much-sodium-have-per-day-explained-133675062.html


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