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Leaving a 16-month-old child alone on vacation in Puerto Rico; Mother sentenced to life imprisonment for murder – News18 Bangla Achi-News

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Ohio: “Kuptra is never Kumata”. Crystal Candelario of Ohio has never heard this saying. But would it have made a difference if he had listened? Just became a mother. Only 16 months old. Leaving him alone at home, Krystal traveled to Detroit, Michigan and Puerto Rico for ten days. Ekratti died of hunger and crying.

Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Michael C. O’Malley found his mother, Christel Candelario, guilty of murdering her 16-month-old daughter Jaylene Candelario in June 2023. Christel was imprisoned for life. He has to spend the rest of his life behind Garad. Krystle’s neighbors say, “punishment should be done”.

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Prosecutors said during the hearing that Candelario left the girl in a Pack-n-Play playpen and went for a walk. After ten days he returned home and saw that the girl was not moving. Candelario called 911 immediately. The doctors came. They checked on Jaylin and said the girl was dead. An autopsy report revealed that the cause of death was dehydration and starvation.

How can a mother do this? The judge was also surprised. County Court of Common Pleas Judge Brendan Sheehan said this was the “ultimate betrayal” during the sentence. He said, “You will have to live the rest of your life because you kept the girl captive”. Candelario told the court that he suffers from depression. He also expressed regret for his actions. But ultimately the judge ordered a sentence of life without parole.

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After the sentencing, Prosecutor O’Malley and Cleveland District Police Chief Dorothy Todd expressed their grief over Zelin’s tragic death. Furthermore, he said, they will take all possible steps to punish the culprits in such incidents. Judge O’Malley said it was the “unimaginable selfishness of the mother”. He said, “This is an example of what can happen when parents neglect their responsibilities”. He also lamented that no harsh punishment can bring back the newborn Zelin.

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