HomeBusinessA young man who performed stunts died under suspicious circumstances. The...

A young man who performed stunts died under suspicious circumstances. The death of a young man performing stunts under suspicious circumstances: there is a possibility of the person’s death due to suffocation in Bhatia of Jamui, the deceased is a resident of Dhanbad – Jamui News Achi-News

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A young man who performed stunts in Jamui died under suspicious circumstances. According to the reports, this is the area of ​​the Batia police station. After this incident, the police arrived at the scene and took the boy’s body into custody and sent it to the Jamui Seder Hospital for a post-mortem.


The police started investigating the incident. The deceased youth has been identified as Vijay Hadi (31 years), father Sokalal Hadi, resident of Chirkonda, Dhanbad, Jharkhand According to the information, the deceased youth used to juggle along with his other friends.

He came from Jharkhand to Jamui in Bihar to accomplish this feat. During this period, he went to a pit in Kusaya village in Batya police station area of ​​Jamui to show magic, where he died of suffocation. Here, local people informed the police about the incident.

Information about the event was given to the relatives of the deceased

Regarding this incident, Jaja SDPO Rajesh Kumar said that information has been received about the incident. The deceased youth used to show tricks and magic. While performing magic he fell into a pit. where he died

According to him, apparently it is assumed that the young people died due to suffocation. The news of the young man’s death was given to the family members. The correct information about the death of the young man will be available after the arrival of the post-mortem report.

The house guard of Batia police station, Monul Todo, said that the youths were showing the bike race game. The game was in its final stages. He was buried in a pit. When they took him out of the pit, he was dead.


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