HomeBusinessThe Raisen forests were deserted of the Royal Tiger, the roar was...

The Raisen forests were deserted of the Royal Tiger, the roar was echoed in the Satpura Tiger Reserve, as soon as the cage was opened it was running in the enclosure, the Prime Minister congratulated the rescued tiger. Royal tiger roars in Satpura Tiger Reserve: Rescued from Raisen forest and released, will continue to be observed for a week – Raisen News Achi-News

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After rescuing the Royal tiger in Surai forest from Raisen, the tiger has been released in Satpura Tiger Reserve. Now Royal tiger Raisen roars in Satpura Tiger Reserve. The tiger was released from the cage at around 12 o’clock on Friday night and released into a secure enclosure.


Where he will be kept under observation for seven-eight days. So that he can adapt himself to the new forest and new environment. After this the tiger will be released in the open reserve forest. The SDO said that the tiger started running as soon as it came out of the cage. Then he went into the bushes and roared loudly. The roar of the tiger was heard for a long time.

Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav congratulated the tiger rescue team
Due to the movement of the tiger in Raisen for about four months, the forest department team was busy catching the tiger day and night on Thursday, the tiger was rescued by the team. On this occasion, Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav has congratulated the tiger rescue team and the officers and employees of the General Forestry Division.

The Prime Minister wrote on his social media link, ‘Congratulations to the team dedicated to the safety of the people. With the help of the doctors included in the team, officials and employees of the Forest Department and five elephants, the safety of the said tiger along with the life of the people has been ensured.

Listen to Raisen jungle without the royal tiger.
Due to the continuous movement of the tiger in the forests around the city of Raisen, the top officials of the forest department kept an eye on the movement of the tiger and used to go out in search of the tiger from the early morning. While people used to see tigers from time to time and the roar of the tiger could be heard in the forests surrounding the city, but after saving the tiger on Thursday, the forests around the city of Raisen have become deaf The roar of the Royal Tiger is not audible to the people including the Forest Department, because even the forests seem deaf because of it.

SDO Sudhir Patle said that after saving the tiger, when he went to the forest on Friday, there was silence all around. The rush that had been going on for so many days to catch the tiger had ended. Because of that it felt quite audible. After saving the tiger, the officers and workers have been given leave by DFO Vijay Kumar, due to which all the workers and officers are relieving their fatigue.


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