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motivational story about positive thinking, we should think positive, inspirational moral story | The king considered it unknowing and punished a person: Motivational lesson – If our way of thinking is wrong, we will also misunderstand others. Achi-News

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We act as we think. So one should have a positive mind. There is an incident from ancient times. In a village, a person was considered unlovely by all the people in the village. The mentality of the people of the village had become negative towards that person. This word spread throughout the village, if you see this person’s face early in the morning, the whole day is ruined.

People started trying to drive that person away from the village. When the king came to know about this, he asked that person to stay in his palace, because the king himself wanted to prove whether the person was unforgivable or not.

The next day the king saw the face of the person whom everyone considered unforgivable. That day the king had no food from morning until night, and he was busy with his work all day and had to be hungry. By evening, even the king accepted that this person was indeed unlucky. Because of this I had to stay hungry all day.

The king gave that person a death sentence. Then the king’s learned minister asked the king why you are giving death sentence to this innocent person?

The king said that the whole village considered him unpromising and today I experienced him too and I understood that this person is truly unlovely. This morning I saw his face, I haven’t had food all day.

The minister, Rajan, said, forgive me, but this person was the first to see your face this morning. Not only do you not have food, but this person’s life is in danger. Now think for yourself who is more unlovely.

As soon as the king heard this, he understood that the minister was right. The minister further said that the face of Rajan, no one is amazing. A face is a gift from God. Our thoughts are wonderful. Whatever we think, we will see other people in the same way.

The king understood the minister’s words and the man left.

A minister’s lesson to the king

In this story, the minister explained to the king that if our mind is negative, then we will see negativity everywhere. When we start thinking positive, everything becomes positive. So we should think well and avoid bad thoughts.

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